Friday, 27 September 2013


Choose two magazines that appeal to different ages. Analyse the covers in terms of audience appeal. Use LIAR and magazine terminology to help with this. Layout both images on a landscape word doc. and label appropriately. You can of course choose your own magazines (the ones below are just examples).

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Key Magazine Terms: Using Terminology

Choose a magazine cover from the following list:

  • Q
  • Grazia
  • OK
  • Kerrang!
  • Heat
  • Empire
  • NME

On a word doc. label your magazine with the key terminology from the handout that you've been given. Then answer the following questions:

  1. Why do magazines use straplines?
  2. Comment on the main image. Camera shot/ subject/colour/costume. What types have been used and what is their effect?
  3. How many colours have been used on the cover and why these colours?
  4. What is the appeal of your magazine to the audience?
  5. Why does the barcode appear where it does?
  6. How do the cover lines entice the reader?
  7. Why has the image or images been used on your magazine cover? What is their impact on the reader?
  8. Who publishes your magazine?