4a. Explain why two
channels selected different comedy programmes to schedule on particular days
and at particular times.
- Programme name:
- Channel:
- Time:
- Date:
Mark scheme:
Level 4 (12-15 marks)
- Discusses the scheduling
of two comedies Precise and accurate use of terminology - think about why
certain programmes are on at certain times
- Shows detailed knowledge
of TV or radio channels and scheduling with understanding of how programmes
reflect institutional contexts - read this on ITV - read this on the BBC's mission and values
and this on its public purposes
- Thorough understanding of
how channels use scheduling to reach audiences - think about why programmes are
clearly aimed at a particular audience - look at this again and decide on the
audiences for both programmes
- Ideas expressed clearly
and fluently in well-structured sentences with few, if any, errors of spelling,
punctuation and grammar.
Level 3 (9-11 marks)
- Accurately describes and
evaluates the scheduling of two comedies Some accurate use of terminology
- Shows sound knowledge of
TV or radio channels and scheduling with some understanding of how programmes
reflect institutional contexts
- Sound understanding of how
channels use scheduling to reach audiences
- Ideas expressed with some
clarity and fluency; errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar do not obscure
4b. Explain how one comedy
programme offers a range of pleasures, not just making the audience laugh. Give
detailed examples from the programme.
- The type of audience
pleasures you need to write about in the exam include:
- narrative pleasures such
as those of narrative resolution,
- character identification,
snowballing narrative, suspense, comedy, and so on
- pleasures of recognition,
familiarity and anticipation
- pleasures of
- performance
unpredictability and spontaneity
- transgressive pleasures
- specific pleasures
associated with performers or personalities.