Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Miranda Research

  1. What channel is Miranda initially broadcast on?
  2. What other comedies (sitcoms/scripted comedies) does this channel broadcast?
  3. What is the target audience for Miranda? Give three clear reasons for your this.
  4. Who are the cast?
  5. How do they appeal to the target audience?
  6. What shows have the main cast members appeared in before?
  7. What time is Miranda first broadcast?
  8. Why do you think it is broadcast at such a time?
  9. When is Miranda repeated?
  10. What channels is it repeated on?
  11. What is it about the setting of the show that appeals to the target audience?
  12. What has the critical reception been? Find some reviews of the show. Are they good, bad or mixed?
  13. In your opinion, in what ways is Miranda 'funny'.
  14. What pleasure does Miranda offer an audience? These might include such pleasures as:
  • narrative pleasures such as those of narrative resolution, 
  • character identification, snowballing narrative, suspense, comedy, and so on
  • pleasures of recognition, familiarity and anticipation
  • pleasures of difference-within-repetition
  • performance unpredictability and spontaneity
  • transgressive pleasures
  • specific pleasures associated with performers or personalities.

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