Tuesday 22 November 2016

Draft Magazine Evaluation

You need to answer the following questions in as much detail as possible. This is a very important part of this project.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible. Add examples from all parts of your work.
  • How effective was your research into similar magazines and relevant target audiences? What did you learn from your research into these two areas? In what ways did this shape the creation of your magazine?
  • What creative decisions did you have to make at the different stages of your magazine production? How did your magazine change as your work progressed?
  • How closely does your magazine follow the forms and conventions of existing magazines? Gives examples of real magazines you reference.
  • How successful is your finished magazine? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Production Log (Research and Planning) and Evaluation: Magazine

The Production Log

The production log will provide important evidence to the teacher and moderator of the individual
candidate’s role and personal contribution to the production. It must be completed individually and is expected to include the following:

  • evidence of research
  • evidence of planning, such as outlines, still test shots, sketches and storyboards
  • key dates, decisions and deadlines
  • a record of the individual candidate’s exact contributions to the production, such as:camerawork, photography, interviews, copywriting, design, audience research, redrafting or editing.


The individual evaluation is to be produced by the candidates under supervised conditions.
The presentation of the evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination, of the following:

  • a written commentary
  • a slide presentation (PowerPoint, Keynote, Impress)
  • a podcast – video and/or audio
  • a DVD with extras.

Those candidates offering a written commentary should aim to write between 500–800 words. A slide presentation (which centres may wish to video), should include 10–15 slides. A podcast/DVD with extras should be about 3–5 minutes in length.

Monday 21 November 2016

Work To Do - Monday 21st November

  • Complete a 'To Do List'- do this on the back of your list from Friday
  • Work through the five things you have chosen to do - be productive and use your time wisely. Don't waste the lesson.
  • Print out and hand in copies of your cover, contents page and double page spread (I will comment on these for the next lesson)
  • At the end of the lesson - quickly evaluate your success today and reflect on what you have to do for the rest of the week (do this on the back of the 'To Do List' sheet

Reminder: The deadline is Friday 25th November

Monday 14 November 2016

Magazine Coursework Deadline

The deadline for the final versions of your Magazine cover, contents page and double page spread is Friday 25th November.

All work must be printed off in Mr Ford's lesson period 2.

Magazine feedback

  • use the blue guidelines (drag from the rulers)
  • use the grid (CTRL @)
  • align text properly - use columns or grids/ boxes
  • add page numbers to all pages
  • page 1 is the cover, page 2 is the page behind the cover
  • contents page is page 3 minimum
  • left hand page = EVEN NUMBERS
  • right hand page = ODD NUMBERS
  • don't have consecutive pages on your contents page - REMEMBER magazines have adverts
  • don't end the page numbers on a low number on your contents page - think about how many pages your magazine would have
  • make sure text is legible (can you read it?)
  • credit the writer and the photographer (make names up if necessary)
  • use headings on your dps
  • use pull quotes on images and in articles
  • use at least two columns of text per page on your dps
  • cover needs a barcode, price, issue and a date
  • look at real magazines for idea
  • make sure text isn't too big (compare your work to a real magazine)
  • pay attention to gutters and margins (you need to use them)
  • make sure you mark the centre of your dps with a guideline

Monday 7 November 2016

Student Voice

Click on the image and complete the questionnaire.
You need to do this for both your teachers.