Wednesday 2 March 2016

11WMS1 The Hurt Locker Task

Lesson 1 (Wednesday)

Watch the clip in the post below.
Make notes for all the questions.
Use the terminology where appropriate.

Lesson 2 (Thursday)

Answer the questions.
Use the terminology where appropriate.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good film about Iraq in that it's almost hulu blacklist totally non-political. It simply follows events as they occur to one unit of Explosive Ordnance Disposal guys.

    The unusual thing about Hurt Locker is that it's made more in the style of a European film than an American movie. There is no portentous narrator doing cheesy voice-overs. Things are not painfully obvious. The director does not hang a neon sign over the important bits. You have to pay attention.

    And it has a great ending.

    I grew up in a military family. My step-father did 3 tours in Vietnam, and volunteered for a 6-month extension after the second tour. I know all too well that there is a certain military type who simply *cannot* stay away.

    This is not a happy film watch32, or in any way a reassuring look at the Iraq war. But it is a very good look at what really goes on.
    One person found this helpful
