Wednesday 13 January 2016

Bad Eductaion - Research Task Question 4b

4. (b) Discuss in detail how one programme offers audience pleasures. Give examples from the programme. [15 marks]

Create a ppt which analyses each of the main characters in the series and connects them to the exam criteria. You need to create a slide for each character and include


Character Name - what can we tell about the character from just their name?
Actor's name - do they have star appeal?
Actor's previous comedy/acting roles and TV station shown - often we like to watch people we 'know' are funny?
Character 'use/gratification'do we identify with certain characters? 
Character stereotype - can we instantly tell what this character will be like? Why?
Character 'role' in series - how do they help 'tell' the story or move the narrative forward?

Include a range of images


C - A GRADE EXPLANATIONS (with prompts)

Do we prefer 'characters' or 'stars'? - Do comedy series need a star or do they make a star?
Do we need to 'identify' with the main characters? - Is it important that we like and recognise ourselves in the character?
Why do we like repetition? - Why do we watch when we know how it will end?
How important are stereotypes?

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