Monday 13 June 2016

Magazine Contents Analysis Terms

When analysing magazine contents, you should be able to identify all of the following elements:

Alley: the space between columns within a page.

Bleed: when the image is printed to the very edge of the page.

Boost: picture boost (usually front page) pic promoting a feature or story in later pages

Strap boost: as above, but with a strapline, not a picture

Cropping: the elimination of parts of a photograph or other original that are not required to be printed. Cropping allows the remaining parts of the image to be enlarged to fill the space.

Flush left: copy aligned along the left margin.

Flush right: copy aligned along the right margin.

Sell - Short sentence promoting an article, often pulling out a quote or a interesting sentence.

Talkie headline: a quote from one of the people in the story used as a headline

This vocabulary is essential for any student aspiring to a B or above.

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